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Hi! My name is Norma Angelika Perez. I am a double major at St. Peter's College.(Communications and Elementary Education) I hope to either get into Broadcasting or Administration in EE...=D

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Report Cards

It's funny how this topic just makes me remember of how scared I was everytime the teacher mentioned Report Cards. The funny part is that I always did well. I was one those "smart kids". I don't mean to brag but it's true. I had classmates wanting to copy from me and sit next to me when there was a test. Of course, I wasn't the only one. I was just one of them. Anyways, I guess I was just never sure of how I did because I always remembered like, "Oh I didn't do my homework one time because I was absent" and then just felt like that was the end of my good grades. It's silly now when I think about it but I think that a lot people felt like that. You never know what to expect for sure. Once I made it to High School, Report Cards were mailed to your house and I was always checking the mailbox before my parents could. I would open it up and see my grades and then decided if I should give it to my parents or not. Sometimes I would even forget.

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