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Hi! My name is Norma Angelika Perez. I am a double major at St. Peter's College.(Communications and Elementary Education) I hope to either get into Broadcasting or Administration in EE...=D

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fairness in Assessment

Well this is just a short story about an experience I had when I felt that the way I was assesed was "not" fair!

During college, as we all know we have finals and midterms. My toughest class was history my freshmen year because during the lectures, I took two whole pages of notes for EACH class, FRONT AND BACK! Anyhow, a few weeks before our final, a student raised her hand and asked the teacher" Are we going to have a review for the final?" and the professor responded (confused)" A review???Well.....what do you think we have been doing the whole semester?" Meaning that ALL of those notes that we took every single class was our so called "review"! Not that I counted the pages or anything like that but they added up to about 150 pages! That night I stood up really late looking through my notebook trying to memorize as much as I could. First of all, it wasn't happening and plus it was HISTORY. Lets just say history and me are not a good match. After a while of skimming through the pages, I just closed my notebook and hoped for the best. Needless to say, when I saw the final in front of me, it seemed as if it was in another language.ha! I received a "D" and so did just about half of the class. My final grade for the class was a C+ though which I managed to live with.

Now I realize that this is a an "assessment no no". How are we supposed to learn this way? It is not fair and nothing is getting accomplished. As much as I hate to say it, I dont remember one thing from that class. I don't think that I learned anything because I was so stressed and worried.

1 comment:

Dr. Luongo said...

Your awareness of this issue will make you a better educator. I guess sometimes we have to live through the "bad" to learn the "good"!

Thanks for your comments!